Friday 5 February 2021


Alastair is now 13 years old.  During Lockdown he has been stuck in the house a lot. It is home-schooling for him these days of Full Lockdown. Is much being done? He is, and always has been, a great reader. Luckily, it helps to pass the time.

Ishbel and I have this running joke about how our attempts to make a Christmas Yule Log, or non-Christmas Swiss Roll never really is a great success.  Her logs turn out well (from her school recipe); mine end up more like piles of lumber.  Using Nutella (chocolate-hazelnut spread) helps though!

As we are in Full Lockdown ('Stay at Home Save the NHS') the children have not been to visit (or if they do, it is to the back garden or park area) and if we go to their house it is limited to the doorstep. So far, so good as everyone keeps well.


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