Monday 20 July 2020


Life goes on much the same... We are still social distancing (2 metres) but in restaurants it is OK to be 1 metre apart for eating.

Most shops are open and transport running but things are very quiet.  It would appear that people don't want to go out (or haven't the money to spend).  

In Scotland one must wear a mask when in the shops.  I would say compliance is very good. The supermarket I go to (Waitrose) doesn't have queues any more because they are letting 80 people be in the store at one time as everyone is wearing a mask.  That certainly helps.

I was at the Apple Store in Braehead and they were taking your temperature before entering.  All other public health measures were in place: hand sanitiser, social distancing, face masks worn.  (This was the case in the open mall as well.)

And on a more universal theme: 

Comet Neowise is visible in the night sky these days.  I haven't been able to see it yet but John told me where to look in the night sky.

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