Monday 13 July 2020


Lockdown is still on-going but easing.  Shops are opening with all the necessary hand sanitisers in place, direction signs, distance markers as the 2 metre social distance is still in force.  

Hair dressers open on Wednesday and are taking appointments now.  I have got one for 3 weeks' hence!  Help!!!  The good news is, however, I get a very good cut (which was in February!) and even though it is long(er) it is still 'a good cut', i.e. doesn't irk me.

One major change has been that, in Scotland only, masks have to be worn in shops.  I have very mixed feelings about this: fabric masks do not keep out viruses.  I leave it at that. I am not visiting shops unless I really have to (food shopping is my limit) as I find it hard to breathe.  I comply but I don't like it!

I read where magazines, newspapers, organisations are asking people to put together photos, write an essay or a poem about being on lockdown.  Well here are some Milngavie photos showing the flowers out but the streets empty.

There are lovely paths and walkways surroundings the town centre.  Here is a local figure with his twa dugs.

Gavin's Mill has  opened up for selling their Fair Trade goods (not the cafe). The good news, however, is that the mill is now owned by the Gavin's Mill people who have been campaigning to buy it for the last couple of years.  There was no fan-fare but it is certainly going to give Milngavie a boost!  Like so many other towns and villages there is a strong move to 'buy locally'. 

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