Friday 10 May 2024


Another milestone this year.  A year has elapsed; it's time to resume this blog and get back to the habit of posting the occasional story of life in this part of the world.

Yes, I am alive and well and, as so many of my generation report, "I'm still above the ground".  Yes, the hills get steeper and the ground is harder but, on the whole I enjoy good health and am surrounded by very good friends and family. C'est tout!

I still live in the same house in Milngavie, Glasgow. The  hall table hasn't changed much. I still enjoy Narcissus flowers and this is the time of year when they are out along with the Bluebells, the small blue Omphalodes cappodocica and the green Euphorbia.

Wonderful cards arrived in the post.  Ken was over to coffee this morning so we lit one large candle and toasted our health (especially in his case as he is recently out of hospital).
Maggie and I attended the opera 'LaTraviata' on Wednesday as Ken's guests (as he was unable to go).  I dropped in to the Scotch Malt Whiskey Society Clubroom  on 5 Bath Street (members only) restaurant/bar/tasting room. I use it from time to time when I am in town for a quick meal before heading off to the evening's event (usually a concert). I absolutely love it: quiet, subdued conversation, and I know the staff ... "Would you like your usual place (at the end of the bar!)?"!!!

We were delighted to find we had the best seats in the house. As is my habit I got chatting to the man beside me and found there were people we both knew.  I guess when you have lived anywhere long enough this is bound to happen.  Glaswegian audiences are always a delight and this audience was no different. Always enthusiastically enjoying and applauding at the end of the evening.
Scottish Opera mounted a fabulous production; I counted 40 in the main chorus. The stage was sumptuous; the orchestra on top form and I was able to recognise a few people (stage and orchestra) who I recall from being students in their 20s are now salt-and-pepper haired 40 year olds! (It has just occurred to me that there must be others in the audience who know someone in cast, production side or orchestra. There are a large number of people in involved in putting this on and I notice there is also a 'stability' i.e. they're still there from years ago.)

Last week was a trip to Cumbrae just to have a walk around the upper part of the island.  The gorse was glorious yellow and the Clyde was all the shaded of blue.

Two recent photos of the grandchildren:  Alastair (16), Harriet (nearly 11), Ellie (9) and Ishbel on the window ledge (17).


John and Alastair recently.

Alastair and Indy (12) in area north of Los Angeles (their home).

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