Saturday 6 May 2023


The Coronation was held today.  Time to hoist the flag in the garden.

Liz and I watched it on our TV in front of the fire (being a rather damp day).  Like so many North Americans I just love a parade! I am a pushover for all the colour, history, pageantry; the music in the Abbey or out on the Mall; the horses and horsemanship, the carriages and the helicopters and jets in the Fly Past at the end.

My enjoyment lies a lot in associations: watching military tattoos as a child, playing in the school band when we marched around town (can't remember the events), being in Rangers where we learned to hoist flags and I even had a trip to Government House in Victoria to get my Gold Cord in 1962.  Here's proof!

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And the Scots?....

..... a nod to most of the rest of Scotland (who are not interested in the Coronation).  Here are photos of a recent trip we took to Glengyle House in Stronaclacher, Loch Katrine.

Ishbela and Alastair came with us.  Ian and Sheila were our hosts and showed us around their home and grounds.

Glengyle House

Adjacent to the house is the MacGregor Burying Ground (clan MacGregor - very, very old!)  That's Iain with Alastair behind the headstone.

a window... very curious... function is unknown

This is the view from their house looking south west.  Loch Lomond is on the other side of these hills.  This was all MacGregor land and is the source of many 'cattle rustling' stories.  It's a very deep glen; I can see why stolen cattle could be easily hidden!

All 4 of us enjoyed our host Ian's stories of the history of the MacGregors particularly Rob Roy MacGregor which, says Ian, is very much a case of fact and myth.

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