Wednesday, 5 October 2022


First concert of the season.

Very well attended. Harriet came with me to help serve drinks at the interval.  Iain ran her home at half time.  She'd never been to a concert before.  What did she like best?  When departing the musicians, who were waiting to walking into the hall for the second half, spoke to her going out the door.  She thought that was magic!

Dumbarton Rock 
Ishbel and I paid a visit to Dumbarton where I dropped in to the boatyard there.  It's changing both with the pontoons. They are using oil rig polystyrene blocks with a weighted top part to tidy up the pontoon area.

Ellie collecting conkers from the park.  She's always busy in her play; not always the tidiest!... one boot on, one boot off and socks all muddy!

I made a video of this and Harriet did the editing using my Mac computer software iMovie.  It is now ready for our Sunday call to Alastair.

Ellie (7) and Harriet (9) and the conkers

Milngavie Fish Gate autumn colours

Rowan berries in Levengrove Park 

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