Saturday, 2 July 2022


I paid a visit to an old haunt of mine this week.  Loch 27 pub on the Forth and Clyde Canal has a pub that I used to visit when I worked near it 30 years ago.

Sitting outside at the picnic table on the edge of the canal is a perfect spot to watch the bird life.  Two swans were enjoying the lovely weather along with the rest of folk enjoying their pints.

I took the above photos with my iPhone as one of the swans was having its morning tidy-up.  It was only when I got the photos on the computer I saw that the swan is out of focus and ... better yet... in focus is a winged insect on the white  flower (hogweed?).  I don't think it's a butterfly; maybe a moth?

It reminded me of this painting in The National Gallery in London.  Painted in 1471 by an unknown European (roughly present day Germany) not a lot is known about the subject (except for a title indicating she was of the Hofer  family and that she is holding a forget-me-not flower).  What is intriguing is the fly on her head-dress.  Curious that!  Many theories abound... but simply beautifully painted!

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