Sunday, 6 February 2022


I would like to think that we are nearing the end of this pandemic.  Denmark has announced that all restrictions are to be lifted "we are simply going to have to live with this, like the common cold".  Apparently Sweden is due to do the same this week. However New Zealand, while it has rising Omicron numbers, is going the ease things too. So falling numbers in one area and rising in another but same strategy.

Time to celebrate: I must get out some of those bottles of wine that I have found in the cupboard very much needing to be opened.  (Mairi gave me 12 of Auntie Iseabail's wine glasses and that is to be their new home.)

In the meantime the 2 Munchkins keep us on our toes.  Here they are 'modelling' as they were with us on a very wet Saturday afternoon.

* * * * * * THE GARDEN * * * * * *

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