Saturday, 22 January 2022


The numbers of reported cases (this, of course, is not 'infections') is now falling quite sharply as was predicted. The news is that the restrictions are going to be lifted in most parts of the UK from next week (the end of January).  

It means masks will not be legally required in places such as pubs, restaurants, supermarkets, stores, trains, buses, public places like the school gate waiting for children to come out.

The days required for socially isolating after a positive test are being reduced. Travel requirements are easing.  Large outdoor venues are opening now and indoor ones will be next week.  So rugby and football are OK, some pop concerts or ballet didn't make it and had to be cancelled very much at the last minute.

So life ... and the weather .... is improving.  The third week of January is probably the one I notice the most as the days are now starting to get longer.  The sun shone this week on several days and I managed to get out and do some 'yard work' as they say in America.

The Allander River at Tesco's ... my route to the supermarket.  Midday light on the river but no heron today.  Out of the photo on the right was a hive of activity: installation of an electric car charging bay.

Speaking of America .... on the news there is a big campaign on just now to alert drivers to the fact that the law is changing with regard to Giving Way.  In this country vehicles have the right of way over pedestrians and cyclists.  

That is going to change.   Finally, finally, finally....! Hooray! Now it will be like North America.  Over the years I have noticed what I call 'Creeping Americanization' (baseball caps, use of superlatives all the time,  people saying 'Have a nice day' ... OK if well-mean but many times not!... phone greetings 'This is xxxxx ..... How can I help you?' sing-songy spouted in your ear) but for once, I applaud the change.  No more taxi drivers trying to run you down at the crosswalk... or anywhere else for that matter!

Actually Iain and I have always had a laugh about this topic of Giving Way.  We both do it naturally as we were drivers in both Canada and the US.  Pedestrians always look at you, the driver, with incredulity when you motion them to cross in front of you. "What"? You mean I can go?"  and off they go.  

I am here to say, categorically, that when I motion to a lady to cross she does the above, then crosses without any particular acknowledgement (and that's fine). However when Iain does it, the lady ALWAYS gives him a winning smile.  We have had a few laughs over the years (as I, sitting in the passenger seat, pointing this out)!

* * * * * * * * * * * *  THE BIRTHDAY GIRL IS 7 YEARS OLD * * * * * * * *

Ellie made her own cake and decorated it for our Sunday night dinner.  She's dandy wee baker.  Here are some more photos:

* * * * * * * * * * * *  HARRIET 8.5 YEARS OLD  (I THINK OF HER AS 'THE GIRL WITHOUT THE PEARL EARING'   * * * * * * * *

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