Monday 30 August 2021


Another week, another rise in cases.  It is expected and we learn to live with it... we carry on, as they say.

In our Sunday night Quiz with the 3 generations of the family I stumbled across the idea of  widening the Quiz Session by introducing the topic of 'Childhood Memories'.  My idea is to see if the children will tell us about something they remember from when they were younger.

Iain and I thought we would start things off with a memory of our own.

 * * * * *  Barbara's childhood memory * * * * * 

I recall standing on the platform of the CPR (Canadian Pacific Railway) Station in Salmon Arm watching the train coming into the station.  It did not stop but  travelled very slowly.  As it approached the station platform the driver of the train leaned out of the window and put his hooked arm through the big hoop that the Station Master was holding up for him to grab as the train slowly passed by.

Iain explained to us that this is a 'key' being handed over as part of a signal safety practice. Well, well... I never knew that!

While I am here.... some background images to give the setting.  Salmon Arm in British Columbia, Canada, is a small town, and like many small towns, it grew up along the CPR railway.

This photo is exactly like the CPR station as I remember it and the age of the train too... late 1940s or early 1950s.  (This photo is, however, Guelph Ontario.)  The train station is still there but has long since closed.

I took this photo of the deserted station in Salmon Arm in November 5, 2007.  I talk about it, and posted more photos, here.

Salmon Arm is on the Shuswap Lake in B.C. The train wound its way along the right hand shore as seen in the photo above.  The town and train station located centrally and opposite the town wharf are just out of the photo on the lower right.

This photo is the wrong lake (too tuquoise!)  but the right train winding its way along an unknown Canadian lake's edge.

* * * * *  Iain's childhood memory * * * * * 

This is Iain as a Cub in the 6th Clydebank Boy Scouts. “I had agreed to do an important job. When I heard what I had to do, I was devastated. Giving flowers to women was not something that a young boy should be doing! That was for girls!

I put a brave face on it and squared up for the ordeal. It turned out to be much less harrowing than I expected!”

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