A very old friend of ours, Moira Cousins, died May 13th and her funeral was this week. She was the wife of Sandy Cousins, who Iain first met through being a member of the Scottish Mountaineering Club.
While the service was held in St Modan's Church, Benderloch, the interment was held at Achnaba Cemetery which in on the shore of Loch Etive.
Iain was asked by the family (Elid and John Ormiston - sons: Saul, Seoras and Kyle) to play the pipes.
While awaiting everyone arriving from the church service Iain is getting his pipes warmed up outside the Achnaba Church (closed these days). This church has a most interesting interior highlighting the Presbyterian idea of how the interior should be laid out: a large rectangular communion table with benches on either side facing you as you enter the main (blue) front door. Pews are left and right and are at right angles facing the front. Why do I know all this?
It was 12 years ago Iain played for the funeral service held inside this church for Moira's son, Alasdair, who died aged 40 years old (of natural causes). Iain and I situated ourselves at that communion table next to the door as he was the last in (having played outside for the congregation to file in) ... and would be first out to head the procession to the cemetery located on the hill behind the church.
And this is it. Again Iain went on ahead leading the procession up to the open grave for a short service ... next to Alastair's grave.
Above is a video of Iain playing... it may or may not show.
Lastly here is a photo of the church looking from the graveyard, out to Loch Etive. I put my iPhone on the stone wall surrounding the cemetery. If it makes the photo a bit grim... well that's what is was like!
I could not help recalling that Alasdair died at almost the exactly the same date as Moira. His funeral was May 22, 2012. I also recall that he died either the evening or the day of his 40th birthday.
I found a post I wrote (7 years ago!) here.
I found a post I wrote (7 years ago!) here.
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