Thursday, 24 January 2019


Wee Ellie is 4 years old. Ishbel has just turned 12 years old and Alastair is about to be 11 years old.  That leaves Harriet who is 5 and Indy who is 7.

Alastair helping the little ones make princess tiaras.

Indy in his Pudsey T-Shirt. The BBC runs a charity Children in Need and every November they raise a great deal of money which is put toward various programmes for children and young people in the UK.

In July last year Indy had a holiday 'back east' i.e. Florida and Washington DC. We got a lovely book about his holiday that his Auntie Dandy put together. Ishbel and Harriet are enjoying the many photographs and descriptions of the places he visited.

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