Friday, 5 February 2016


I visited the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum this week.  This exhibit of carved stone balls caught my eye.

They were excavated from burial tombs.  Their purpose is not known but they must  have been highly prized to have been placed in a burial chamber. 

One of many theories is:  "the movement of 'monument stones' has been put forward as a result of an observed correlation between standing stone circles in Aberdeenshire, Scotland and a concentration of carved stone balls, and it is suggested that these petrospheres may have been used to help transport the big stones by functioning like ball bearings." [Wikipedia].
I wonder if they could have been used to  move these stones which are at the south end of the island of Arran, west coast of Scotland.

 Alastair, aged 6 years

 Ishbel, aged 7 years and Harriet one year old.

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