Sunday 16 August 2015


We headed down to Glasgow Green at mid-day to take in the final day of the pipe band championships.

It was a lovely day and Ma, Pa and all the Wains were out in force. This band from Sydney Australia (The Pipe Band Club, I think) looked very smart as they marched into the Area 2 ring to be judged.

The Glasgow Skye Pipe Band followed them into the judging ring.  As they waited they tuned up and did some last minute practice.

Very sharp outfits!  And yes, they can play! The gold coloured sporran clasp and metal belt were something new to me. (Drummers wear their sporrran turned to the back.)

The pipe bands came from far and wide. These chaps from the Malaysia Sikh Band looked very smart in their white garb and headwear which was finished off with a long length of tartan worn over the left shoulder.

Some banners in the Area 1  playing area.  We spent some time watching juvenile bands - impressive!  

The World Champion Band (i.e. Grade 1 which is the top grade) ended up being the Shotts and Dykehead, Scotland;  P/M Ryan Canning.

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