Monday, 9 March 2015


Here are some recent photos of Baby Ellie, now nearly 2 months old and Harriet who is 1 1/2 years old.

I reckon Ellie is going to be sociable like the other 3 children. 

Harriet and I spent some time in the library last week.  Does she go for books? Not this time; it was the videos on the shelf she wanted.  Having said that she loves to sit with a book in her lap turning the pages.

Harriet and Hunka-Munka our toy monkey which sits at the front door.

Some years ago I knitted some socks with no particular child in mind.  It was simply to use up some wool from a pair I had knitted for myself.  Well, last week I found someone to wear them!

Here is a close-up of my little model.  She loves putting shoes or boots on and off and doesn't bother with such niceties as socks.  But as it was very cold outside I managed to get her to wear these socks in her weilies.  Quite a rig-out!

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