Sunday 19 February 2012


Glasgow has recently opened up a large Whole Foods Store.  While not located in our part of the city I headed over to Giffnock today with the intention of buying some supplies for a dinner party we are having tomorrow.
Well, I had a ball!   I remember the days when this shop (store) was Safeway's and it has now had a complete make-over.  It has a very West Coast of North America feel about the place with its wooden board exterior and brown grocery bags being packed by lads at the check-out.  Yes, it had all the grains, pulses, nuts and seeds and plenty else besides.  Yes, it was rather expensive but oh-h-h the range and quality! 


I said to the lad at the delicatessen area where sushi was being offered for tasting, "Goodness!  This could be Vancouver!" And just then a children's choir started singing "Do Lord, Oh Do Lord ..." negro spiritual!  Apparently 5% of the day's taking go to the school which whose choir was performing.

What I was looking for was blocks of chocolate for baking ... and indeed, they had it (lower left corner of photo).  I haven't seen that for years.  Britain does not sell Bakers chocolate in any shape or form.  Never has.

In the above photo I picked up [L] unsulphered apricots. Verdict: completely tasteless! [centre bag] red rice from the Camargue region of France [R] walnuts which apparently are the best ever according to Christina.  (Though she lives near Whole Foods I was unable to visit today.)  The Brownies are just out of the oven and are for tomorrow.

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