Saturday, 11 June 2011


It turned out to be another long day working in the garden. Iain spent the day with Duncan as they prepared the hard-standing in front of the house for its final brick and surface work. Then they worked on other bits and pieces as the weather permitted.

The day started beautifully clear. By that I mean at 6 am there was a clear blue sky. The few flowers that are flourishing had a halo of back light in the early morning so I got the camera out to catch the moment. This is an Oriental Poppy which has what can only be described as "weather-beaten"!

These are Welsh Poppies and seed themselves everywhere. I have decided to try and grow a couple of different varieties of poppy from seed as they seem to thrive in this climate.

We had morning coffee with Iftie and Duncan; it was our first use of the sit-oottery. By midday the rain was back. (Because I am planting out other seedlings I am not minding the arrival of more wet weather.)

Also, on inspection I have found, to my surprise, that the bay tree I thought I had lost due to frost is starting to send out shoots from the base. I cut all the dead stuff off a few months ago but decided not to pull it out just in case ...!

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