Monday, 6 June 2011


At the weekend we helped Brian and Maggie with a boat delivery job. They had to move their boat from Loch Aline down to Oban because she was damaged in the gales of 2 weeks ago. Brian attends to the work of it and it will now be much easier to get things done as he can get to Oban by public transport. Maggie took off booze and glasses which had been thrown around the cabin when the hurricane gusts hit them causing the mooring rope to break and set them adrift down the loch.

The drive north was pleasant though the weather went from being cloudy to positively driech by the time we were loading the car to return to Glasgow. However we visited some of our old watering holes and some new ones during the day.

This painting ... well, a print of it ... was for sale in one of the tea rooms en route. It is by Georgina McMaster, a Scottish artist I did not know. This is her website here. I really like the print; it made me laugh! I reckon a caption might be: "If you think you've got problems about the driech weather, just remember I'm out in that stuff all year long!"

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