Monday, 23 May 2011


The Scientific Method of Testing has to be A Good Thing! Generally speaking I hate 'problem solving' so methodical testing, i.e. changing one variable whilst keeping the rest constant, is not my first instinct when trouble-shooting.

However my use of computers and all the associated technology has definitely made me more scientific. By that I mean, when I come across a problem (after making a cup of coffee) I make an attempt at fixing it. I always start out by "googling".

Therefore ... the following is the result of one such exercise which I offer for other web users and as an aide-memoire to myself.

Checking your O2 phone bill on-line

[1] To view your O2 phone bill (in the UK) on the internet (you will have registered i.e. established your username and password ... and know they are correct) you click on

[2] If you get an security message coming up saying that the following site

is not secure, do not panic. There is a lot of chat on the web (several years ago) about this but here is what I have discovered ... and solves the problem. I did not click on it (and, indeed, it may be OK) but this worked on my Mac OS 10.5.8:

[3] The problem lies with the browser:

[3a] When using Chrome browser (the default one in their email link) the message is a red box exclaiming "The site's security certificate is not trusted!"

[3b] When using Safari browser the error "can't verify identity" comes up.

[3c] When using Firefox it worked.

[4] I don't know anything about zarkov and did not click on the link. Maybe someone can shed some light on this!

1 comment:

Vagabonde said...

I am not a techy so I can’t help you on this post. We just came back from our trip to France where we were from 27 April to 19 May, so we must have been there at the same time. It was nice to see so many roses in the parks but everything was so dry – no rain during all that time. Here however we have had bad storms and tornadoes. My oldest grandson (4 years) is also going to start preschool this summer. My daughter asked me to find children books for him to learn French. All the books I could find for that age bracket in Paris were to learn English – I guess I should go to England instead! We did see the wedding on the TV and I made a post on it. Your pictures of southern Germany were beautiful – but I can’t believe that you would not take your camera with you! I think I took over 1500 pictures this last trip.