Friday 18 March 2011


We have a water problem. We are not to use the tap water for drinking, cooking, nor brushing our teeth. Apparently the water treatment plant has found high levels of aluminum in the water and has put out notices over the web and by pamphlet with instruction not to consume.

With texts flying back and forth word of this got around very quickly! Duncan, our brickie, got a text from his wife and he informed us! Neighbours popped in and out of houses all around us checking that folk had heard. Our immediate neighbours were down at our local sports centre and were told by the management. So all in all, quite good information. Why this has occurred? It's all a bit of a puzzle...

The supermarket quickly emptied of bottled water so we were left wondering what to do as we are not sure how long this is going to go on. (We recall about 5 years ago we had our water supply contaminated with diesel and it was nearly a week before the situation was successfully resolved.)

But Iain has turned out to be the Water-Carrier Hero of the Hour! He came up with the bright idea of going down to the boat which is on a pontoon in Bowling (5 miles away) and has a stand-pipe with plenty of water and, more importantly, not in the affected area. So he arrived home with our boat water containers full to the brim with lovely fresh water!

(Actually a big problem has been trying to determine if one is, indeed, in the affected area but this problem was solved by finding an excellent map on the water suppliers' website. Anne said they did not get notification; it turned out they are supplied by a different water treatment works. One could also search by postal code which helps a lot.)

Now it must be remembered that we have a Big Tap in the Sky so tonight I am going to put out a saucepan or 2 to catch some rain water. (However it is a clear night. I went out to see the state of the moon as tomorrow is the day there is to be a particularly special perigee, of the moon, i.e. close to the earth and hence appears larger.)

In the meantime one does one's best...! Like Marie Antoinette with "Let them eat cake" I guess some of us will just have to drink whisky!

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