Our televisions continue to feature the bad weather stories which are affecting the south-east of the UK and also the Welsh valleys. This is now the end of our second week of freezing temperatures. After an initial large snowfall at peak travel times, things have scaled down to 'merely' snow flurries or freezing fog. The airports in Scotland are open and functioning this week but Heathrow which normally moves 180,000 passengers a day is really having problems with planes covered in snow and ice and only one of its two runways open.

This is a small island and it certainly brings home the fact that goods and people have to be first of all imported (if not produced here) and then for those of living north of the major ports and airports moved about the country by road or rail. Both have been badly disrupted. So I was mighty relieved to see this big truck pulling into the loading bay of our local supermarket, Tesco's. The shelves are not empty but we are all mindful that our food supply in this big city all comes up the motorway from somewhere else.

Believe it or not this is a big supermarket where I shop. It is the approach to the side of the front entrance of Tesco's. I tend to park in the smaller eastern car park and also happens to be adjacent to the Milngavie British Rail train station. It was a stunning day today when I was out doing the Christmas shopping (as more severe weather is forecast).

The Allander which flows below the bridge to the main entrance of Tesco's was icy cold as the temperature has been -3 to -5 degrees Centigrade all day... in fact, all week!

And lastly this is the British Rail car park - lovely to look at, a sheet of ice between the main entrance and exit roadway.
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