Sunday, 5 December 2010


Being snowed in can have its advantages: I made the Christmas pud this weekend. It is a 2 day affair as the raisins and currents have to be soaked in booze overnight.

I soaked the fruit in Madeira which Iseabail brought back from holiday in Madeira this summer.

I put everything in 2 glass bowls and, one by one, steamed them in the pressure cooker. Perfect! I place the bowls on a bread and butter plate and that helps me listen to the burbling of the cooking process.

In all the talk of energy (especially around our household!) who ever uses a pressure cooker these days? I find it halves the cooking time stated in a recipe.

The recipe I used comes from Delia Smith's book Christmas which I have borrowed from Maggie who is away on holiday in the southern latitudes ... good move Maggie!

St Delia (as she is fondly known in the UK) has her recipe for Christmas pudding on her website here .

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