Thursday, 2 December 2010


As the outside temperature has not risen above freezing I set myself some inside tasks for today: make the Christmas pudding, tidy my desk and finish the curtains for my room.

I have so enjoyed having a room (a) with no curtains and (b) where 3/4 of my view is sky! This what I see from the prone position on my bed:

These winter days (only 3 more weeks till the shortest day) it starts to get light about 8 am and, being an early riser, I enjoy sitting up in bed with a cup of tea watching it get light. I don't put on the reading light or room light. M-m-m ... I wonder if some people might overcome their Seasonal Affective Disorder if they simply removed the barriers to the daylight entering their rooms?

And it's going to be a nice day .... It is like being in a tent, looking out at the sky. My room is high enough up and set back from the street (a very quiet street) so that I am not bothered by any passers by. C.R. was in the other day and said he couldn't sleep in a room without any curtains. Not me!

However this is what it looks like when the next wave of snow arrives ... to pile on top of what is already there. Even still, for a north facing aspect, my room is light and bright simply from the all that white stuff outside!

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