Thursday, 11 November 2010


I am seldom caught off-guard in social situations; I can usually find the right word, or extricate myself if things start getting awkward. Well, I nearly met my Waterloo recently when at the home of a pleasant, welcoming couple where a group of us were having meeting.

Once the business of the evening was over, tea and coffee were served where we had been sitting in the living room. Comfortably relaxed in a low armchair with a cup and saucer on my lap I was suddenly accosted by a low flying missile which ended up on my left shoulder! Now I am no shrinking violet but I was greatly alarmed! ... not having had much experience of this sort of thing!

It was a blue budgie, a very sociable bird who perched himself on the glass coffee table and, using its head, clanged the sugar spoon sticking out the of the sugar bowl up and down, up and down, while we ... uhh ... chatted.

I was definitely in need of a copy of Debretts. This book on (among other things) how to behave in social situations, I see has morphed into several different books these days. The book I could have done with is Debrett's Etiquette for Girls.

I really must find out ... do budgies like oysters?!

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