It's that time of year, I mean for bringing in the grapes. Well, at least it is for some parts of the world. Sadly, we are not of the grape-growing latitude but there are ways of compensating for this. Someone has to check out the product!
For one reason or the other some wine tasting has been going on at chez MacLeod lately due to special offers in the supermarket, left-over bottles passed in from someone's Sunday dinner or whatever.
Maggie gave me a hot tip about some New Zealand Marlbourgh region 'Cruz' Sauvignon blanc on offer at Morrison's supermarket. We work on the premise that there is no bad Marlbourgh wine so I hot-footed it down there and bought a good few bottles. I am the only one who drinks in our house; it is my one pleasure living in this island of dust and workmen (read 'no workmen' many a day...).
I got a bit carried away on my trip to get the New Zealand wine as I recognized a brand I do not see very often 'Masterpeace' and this was Shiraz (brand: Andrew Peace Wines, Murray River, Australia). Now I have bought this in the past because I was introduced to it by our lovely neighbours in Helensburgh. This wine used to fly off the shelves in the Helensburgh Co-op (who often had seriously good wine at reasonable prices). And I like the name, i.e. the label. It is a pun on Masterpiece which means I can always give it as a present to a musical recipient.
Anyhow where was I? It is bad to drink alone and you never know if it might be off so Maggie and I have been known to have the occasional tasting session. We did have a very acidic wine the other week but that is a post for another day.
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