Monday, 16 June 2008


The good weather continues and this means lots of lovely photographs! Iain was away for a week sailing on the west coast with Brian and Andrew. Good breezes and long light for climbs in the mountains.

Iain on Rum

One thing about moving to a new area is the fun to be had exploring the surrounding hills. Last week Iain took this shot on one of his evening 'walks' (read - power walking without stopping straight up to the top).

This is a view looking down the Firth of Clyde from Tom na H-Airidh (the Sheiling Hill) above Helensburgh.

We had a lovely visit with Sue and Mike in their garden at Glenarn, Rhu - a couple of miles down the road from us. They are part of the Garden Sheme for Scotland and their garden is always a joy to visit!

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