Thursday 24 March 2011


The building site is gradually turning into a garden. A day here, a day there ... work progresses! At least we are moving in the right direction!

This is the area that used to be all grass and is now a triangle of ground which will be covered in large slate slabs. They are sitting in a palette out on the street. Delivered by a big truck this week, a man arrived with only himself, using his bogey, to take off his 950 pound load!

This area will be our sit-ootery. Today it was hot and sunny all day long! Iain went out to climb up Dumgoyne and I spent the whole day in the garden - heaven!

These flowers are coming up in my neighbour's garden. I don't know what they are....

And on our side of the fence is our humble rhubarb. It has benefited from lots of manure from Willie's farm. My other neighbour, Agnes, on the south side was out as well and was keen to obtain some of this healthy plant to start a patch in her own garden. So it was a day of comparing plants, garden plans and recipes for rhubarb!

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