Sunday, 9 March 2025


When Alastair visited us recently we spent time discussing what to do with Iain’s sister’s collection of dictionaries which he ‘inherited’ after her death 7 years ago. They sit in my bookcase as I have been meaning to catalogue them (we need to find a home for them) but, I confess, I have been dragging my feet

I got a kick-start today! John Scott in Calgary sent me this ‘new word’ which doesn't appear to be ... but really should be ... in the Scots Dictionary (which was so much a part of Auntie Iseabail’s life). 

27 May, 1939 - 15 February, 2018

Wednesday, 19 February 2025


I have now upgraded my computer to an iMac4.  Everything is OK except it's like trying to arrange your bookselves after the books have been knocked off the shelves and are needing to be put back in order.  

Alastair has now had his 17th birthday.  He is due to finish secondary school this June and is preparing to head of to university.  He's in the middle of interviews at the moment.  Ishbel (18 yrs) is already away to Stirling Uni so that will leave 2 still at home.

Even thought it's winter I have managed to get absolute necessity for me!

Balloch Park on Loch Lomond suffered storm damage, about 100 trees over, as a result of Storm Eowyn at the end of January.

The good news is that the sapling tree planting down 2 years ago by Chivas workers was well done and the young trees all survived.

Some very big, old trees came down.  The problem is that the ground is soaking wet and the roots are shallow.  Some were paritially rotten as well.

A yacht from across the loch probably at Cameron House got washed ashore at the edge of Balloch Park.  While high and dry it doesn't appear damaged.

Sunday, 19 January 2025


January 1st has now come and gone and I am still trying to catch up on Christmas correspondence plus visiting folk (first footing).

I joined a friend in Edinburgh to go to a Celtic Connect concert last Friday.  I thought I was heading to a piping recital but it turned out to be a ceilidh, i.e. Bruce MacGregor's Gathering in the Pipers' Tryst.

Bruce, the host, explained how a 'ceilidh' is when everyone contributes something; it's not about talent or showmanship but everyone doing their party piece.  This was definitely Iain's thing and we had a life of them one way or the other!

Lots of players and instruments were assembled: fiddles, pipes (large and small), accordion, keyboard, Gaelic singer and folk singer with guitar.  It was very good (apart from my usual gripe(s): too much stuff being played making programme too long; everything amped up to a hundred thousand decibels; and the female folk singer too close to the mic.)  Plus ca change.....! But it was all worth sitting through because....

For me the night was totally saved by a (very!) young (?16 year old?) Michael Lewis singing in his absolutely chocolatey, 'crooning' style.  And on stage he just had it...i.e. presence.   The  applause reflected this; definitely a name to look out for!

If the link doesn't work this is the (screenshot) reference on Facebook.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024


Tea with Angela:
Wedding china (1967 Wedgewood 'Belle Fleur')
Spoons from MacLeod family complete with (wedding gift?) tag "from the MacKinnons"
Leftover Norwegian Kransecake

Canadian Mac apples, only seen at this time of year.
2 Christmas cards from the same person...which me laugh as it seems I'm not the only one who gets forgetful.
(Later: Also....received one this year from person who didn't know Iain had died.)

* * * * * *  THE GRANDCHILDRENS' PRESCENCE IS FELT * * * * * * * 

Ishbel's violin
She's  away at uni now but home for holidays...lovely...and she's a real helper e.g.  splitting logs.

Harriet and Ellie: something to keep them occupied in front of the fire

Alastair: helping to tidy up after dinner...leaves his 'footprint' of ketchp (his staple condiment) in the fridge (as he would normally do at home).

* * * * * * * * * * AND WHILE WE'RE HERE * * * * * * * 

Ishbel was in the attic and found Kenny John's violin. He was Iain's father's youngest brother. Self-taught he played with friends in the Achiltibuie area often going to join folk with the instrument in its case strapped on to the back of his motorcycle.