Wednesday 16 October 2024


As it was Don's birthday recently I came across these photos included here.

On his bike, aged about 12 years old (1957) in front of one of the flat deck trucks

[left] me, then Don, Beverley Pipe. Fluffy dog was hers; the dachshund is Rex Mears family pet (who lived next door to the Pipe family) Year: 1957 or 58

In Canoe Boat Basin with Les Treat.  This boat was fibreglass, olive green and the very latest thing, i.e. fibreglass. Year would be about 1960 I think.

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This photo must be about 1950 when I would be 6 and Don 5 years old. The line-up is [left] Don, then Donald MacLennan, Marcella MacLennan* and me.

We are sitting on a toboggan or else a sledge of some sort.  The bush in the background is a lilac bush, one of 2 that were outside the front door of our house in an area which was a flower garden.  Why do I remember all of this? Because one day, when my mother was asleep having worked night shift (which she did fairly regularly) my father bulldozed the whole lot to out to make space for the 'boys' (drivers and swampers) to park their cars every morning upon arrival for work.  When she woke up to find what he'd done... she was furious...throwing  crockery across the kitchen smashing all on the cupboard doors above the sink!


*  I believe they were from Barra.  The dad was a social worker.

Friday 27 September 2024


On Friday I was listening to BBC Radio 3, as is my habit. It was the Leeds Piano Competition for under 30 year olds. It's a very high calibre, international line-up, held every 3 years.  I noticed that one of the five semi-finalists (Jaeden Izik-Dzurko) was from Canada.  I looked up his bio details and was astonished to find he was from my ‘hometown’, as they say in America, i.e. Salmon Arm, British Columbia.  It’s a small town in central B.C. built on the Canadian Pacific Railway line.

As it happens I am on the committee of the Milngavie Music Club who hold monthly concerts of international artistes of various types. The President sent out a circular to everyone giving the Head's Up about the final concert coming up (Saturday) because one of the artistes who played last year (pianist Junyan Chen from China) was going to be playing as she was one of the 5 semi-finalists.  I responded in the circular email stating that I intended to listen and mentioned that I had happened to find this chap in the list of 5 and why he stood out for me. (I’d never heard of him!) 

A couple of hours later…lo and behold… he won!…. and Junyan came second.  Such a coincidence and quite delightful!

Wednesday 11 September 2024


Our Nursing Class of 1967, University of British Columbia, has lost a dear lady.  Jean Streight died August 27, 2024 and will be missed by family and friends. A memorial service was held in Vancouver yesterday, September 10th.

Going into our second year Jean joined Alice and I in Alice's grandparents' house on 4th Avenue where we lived together for 3 years until we graduated and left in 1967 to go our separate ways.

1964: first year UBC nursing students - Jean, myself and Alice

(L) Kit Taylor, Jean, Kit's mother and Anon in background (Steve Taylor?) probably at the Taylor's cabin, Redroofs (north of Seschelt) where we spent the occasional weekend. 

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To finish the triangle....  Graduation photos 1967


Barb (me)


Sunday 18 August 2024


Ryan has now graduated from The Conservatoire, Glasgow having completed his Masters.  He also received the Principal's Prize for 'outstanding contribution'.

Ryan's mum and dad and I attended the concert in Paisley Abbey where Ryan was the solo artist in the evening concert with the Edinburgh Youth Orchestra.  He is due to play with them on 2 occasions at the Edinburgh Festival so this was a 'test run'.... so much better than Edinburgh which is always hellishly crowded and held in inferior halls.

It was a lovely warm summer evening (goodness... we have not had many of those)!  Also I had wonderful memories of being in Paisely, the Town Hall and the Abbey when Iain was in the Civil Engineering Department in the late 1970s.  

Paisley Abbey filling up before the concert.

One lasting memory I have is attending the Christmas dinner dance of the students (forget which year).  I was in the foyer planning to head into the big hall where the students were gathered for the dance.  I had been chatting to Reverend Morrison of the Abbey.  He and I approached the entrance to the hall together. As we stepped into the hall we were assaulted with the most horrendous wall of sound coming from speakers the size of doors on the stage at the other end of the hall.  We grabbed on to each other and simply retreated into the foyer... where we spent the rest of the evening discussing the Reformation (which I was studying for an Open University course at that time).