Monday 1 October 2018


John took this wonderful photo of Ellie last week.  She is a real clothes horse!  She chooses what to wear and what coat to go with it.  The fact that it is autumn outside doesn't mean she is going to pass up wearing her Snow White ball gown or her ballerina outfit!

And that red chair in her other grandparents' apartment is just her colour!

It put me in mind of some other reds that I have had lurking in my computer 'colour' folders:

Wm Morris Strawberry Thief fabric or maybe it is wallpaper.

Wikipedia states that it is  one of his "most popular repeating designs for textiles. It takes as its subject the thrushes that Morris found stealing fruit in his kitchen garden of his countryside home, Kelmscott Manor, in Oxfordshire."

This petite point stitched chair cover is one made for Liz and covers a lovely armchair which sits in a bay window.

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