Tuesday 31 January 2017


It's Alastair's 9th birthday tomorrow.  Here is a recent photo taken by John when he and Iain took Ishbel and Alastair to a local museum a couple of weeks ago.

Ishie is now 10 years old and getting tall and leggy. Iain in the middle and Alastair on the right.

Today was a wet day today so nothing for it but to do what my mother would do - get out the baking tins and the beaters.

I decided to dig out the Chatelaine (magzine) book of about 1957 and make a chocolate cake from scratch.  I am quite pleased with the result -  a Spiderman Cake for Alastair.  The recipe starts in the bottom left column and runs on to the top right column.  This recipe really works; not too big and is made with sour cream (or in my case I used yogurt that I had in the fridge).

I had fun making Alastair a card. I like Andy Warhol' s image of running shoes - very Alastair!  And as luck would have it, there are 9 in the poster!

My attempt at an Andy Warhol Che Guevara type poster was not successful.  I simply have not got an good image of Alastair, a least an image that takes blocks of colour.  Another time; another poster.


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