Sunday 10 April 2016


This is the last, i.e. fourth of four, posts on our trip to the Borders.  The photos are a miscellaneous bunch.  What the trip has done is to make me look at the history of the area, i.e. Scottish and English battles in the area as well as thinking about getting a book on masons' marks. We see so many fine abbeys and castles and over the years I have always been intrigued by what a particular mason's mark might be and where would you look for it.  Somewhere there must be a 'catalogue'!

This is a battlefield memorial site, not in Scotland, as I had thought but just over the border from Coldstream, in Englandshire.  J

John took this photo of Harriet and I walking up the slope to read the plague. You get a very good view of the lay of the land, i.e. how the Scottish warriors were defeated by the English warriors - all very bloody.  We are talking 1513 when limbs were chopped off and horses hauling heavy canons (i.e. Scottish ... apparently not so heavy English and therein lies the outcome....) were maouvering (not) in the mud.

 Dryburgh Abbey
Grandpa and Two Little Munchkins (John's photo)

 The farm where we stayed ... near Jedburgh  

Bamburgh Castle

Is this where Ride a Cock Horse to Bamburgh Cross is based? This is John's lovely photo of Mairi, Ishie (9) and Ellie (1). We gals all enjoyed sitting on the park bench (out of sight) eating Victoria Sponge purchased from the local Craft and Baking Event in the Pavillion.


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