Sunday 31 August 2014


Ishie (7), Alastair (6) and Harriet (14 months) were over.  Here is a recent photo.

At dinner later and we all had things to celebrate:

Mairi - is now at the half way mark in her pregnancy.  Due date is mid-January 2015.
John -  is finding that getting staff at surgery is turning out better than expected
Iain - has built a new handrail at the back door. It has been unanimously agreed by all ages to that he is "A Good Builder".
Barbara - is delighted to see how they are growning and have such rosy cheeks
Ishie - has earned her Cook's Badge in Grandma's kitchen because she made an excellent job of frying bacon for bacon rolls.  That means she stood and watched her work carefully (despite distractions) and was very tidy and organised in her work.  Watch this space!
Alastair -  has got himself a dandy second-hand BMX bike at the church jumble sale.  He spent a good 20 minutes carefully washing it with the hose and taking the scrubbing brush over every spoke and wheel tread.
Harriet - has now got her first molar tooth.

And while we are on the subject of things to celebrate: 

Indy - had his examination under anaesthetic to look to see if there is any sign of further cancer cells in his eye ... and nothing is evident.  [See previous post to this one.] We see him, and talk to him, every week on Skype.  He too has grown and has now started at a new Nursery.

Everyone - is celebrating!

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