Saturday 6 July 2013


The garden is lovely these days as the weather has been hot and the rain coming at the right time.

The first roses of the season. Success at last!  The same bushes but the bugs are not there and the wet weather kept away long enough for them to bloom before getting bashed!  Actually a south facing garden does make a big difference now that I think about it!


The fragrance reminds me of my grandmother Booth's Roget & Gallet's Carnation soap.  It would appear from looking on the web just now that this soap is no longer sold. For starters, it is not on the R et G website and elsewhere, if itemized, it is marked "sold".  (How often does one see that in shops, i.e. the item is in the window but when you ask to buy it, it "out of stock" ... or "not in your size" etc.)

Lupins that got broken in the rain but are just fine for the the vase. The seedheads are allium.

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