Wednesday 17 August 2011


A big day for a wee girl ... Ishie started school today. She goes to the local primary school. In June she attended 2 short sessions to get familiar with the building and the other little people starting at the same time. Also the very friendly staff, and there seem to be a good number for this young age group, were all on hand so they were known faces today.

All children in all schools wear a school uniform of their chosen colours. At this age they haven't yet turned them into fashion statements; you should see the teenagers! You would be amazed at how they can jazz up a white blouse with school tie and dark skirt especially the 18 inch long ones worn with black tights!

She likes to be busy so is going to really enjoy getting stuck into all the activities and projects that are part of her new life! (I don't think she quite realizes that she has to do this every day for 5 days in a row!)

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