Thursday 25 August 2011


Today is our day to collect Ishie after her morning at school. As it was a lovely day we decided to have a train trip to see the new Transport Museum which has opened on the Glasgow city waterfront (old harbour area).

I did not have my camera so took a few photos on the iPhone. I will go back and get some of the building which is very impressive. Here is a skyscape over the Clyde. The Glenlee is lying along side. This ship was brought to the Clyde as a rusting hull 18 years ago by enthusiasts who little by little restored her enough so she would float alongside the quay. (I remember going over her when they were re-rigging her with those big horizontal yards (spars) on the huge masts. I talked to the guys doing the job; they were from Nova Scotia. They had to be brought over especially to do the job as there was no one in Scotland to do it ... so they said!)

The Glenlee masts are reflected in the west facing side of the Transport Museum.

This is the veiw last night at 8:15 pm from the window at my left elbow as I sit at my computer. The direction is north-west. Every morning and evening ... indeed much of the day ... sees a sea gull sitting on the chimney of the house across the street. (I think someone feeds them; there are days when they make a heck of a racket!)

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