Tuesday 13 July 2010


This is the end of Week 2 since Iain's accident where he fell from the ceiling, down 2 floors to the hall in the centre of the house.

His chest drain came out yesterday and when a bed becomes available he will move 2 floors down in the same building (Western Infirmary) to the orthpaedic ward (Level 8). The ortho people visited today and said that he will require to be 6 weeks in total in his bed (he knew that) and then they plan to make him brace. He has 2 cracked vertebrae which are to be stabilized hence the reason he is on Bed Rest.

I am celebrating his continued progress and also the fact that the roofer is finished. I have decided that the best view of a roofer is not his bum (which has been in evidence for weeks and weeks off and on ... mostly OFF if the truth be told...) but his back.

I took photos to show Iain the finished work. Now the insulation panels that get screwed to the last of the 4 sides of the house can be done.

Anne gave me some lovely lilies 4 days ago. They sit outside on the entrance area at the front door behind the scaffolding.

I keep my eye focused on her lilies as I move from the car (lower right) up to the front door.

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