Thursday 21 January 2010


Snowdrops are the best flower in the whole calendar probably because they are the first to emerge after the cold winter. Normally we start to see them around early February but in the last 10 or so years they have been coming in the third week of January. This year they will be later because of all the cold weather we have had. Today I noticed that they are starting to show in the sunnier locations e.g. under trees and along banks.

This coming weekend I am planning to spend time with Ishie (3) and Alastair (2 in 2 weeks) while the Work Party gets on with various chores. The children are getting bigger now so it is possible to have little walks looking for things hidden under bushes or lying on the ground. We always find something!

Ishie loves to tell you about her day; she chatters non-stop. She also loves rhyming sounds, nonsense jokes and stories. So, as she is keen on Tinkerbell, I thought we might go looking for fairies - Tinkerbell? - in the garden and in the park where there are snowdrops starting to flower. I plan to print out this photo that I created - remember the Cotingley Fairies (here) - and use it as the basis for a story that we can create together. We always manage to do something no matter how short or banal. (I start and make her add the characters or develop the plot. Teddy Bear usually figures in it somewhere!)

I had forgotten that Tinkerbell comes from J M Barrie's Peter Pan. It seems I might not be looking in the right place ... "because you see They live in nests on the tops of trees; and the mauve ones are boys and the white ones are girls, and the blue ones are just little sillies who are not sure what they are."*


* James Matthew Barrie (Peter Pan, Chapter 17)

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