Tuesday 24 July 2007


Last Saturday (July 21st) I was at the Customer's Service Desk of our local supermarket printing out a 'Wanted' notice for the bulletin board. I thought it would be a good idea to write the date at the bottom. I looked up and asked the young lassie who was helping me "What's the date today?" She looked at me and gasped "What!? You don't know what day it is today?!!!" Shock! Horror! "Uh, well actually... no...." said I racking my brains. The Queen's Birthday? Norwegian National Day?!

"This is the day the last Harry Potter book comes out!"

Peter Aspden, in this weekend's FT wrote a funny article here. He sees an eighth book coming out about time Harry is middle aged and reckons J.K. Rowling (who lives in Edinburgh) has it in her to write the definitive novel of mid-life crisis.

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