Tuesday 30 October 2018


It  was Uncle Alastair's birthday at the weekend. Even though he wasn't here to join us I thought it would be good to mark the day at Sunday dinner.

Marks and Spencer sell catepillers which are little chocolate Swiss Rolls with faces on them.  As it happened I had some packages in because I keep a supply for 'currency' when necessary ... like trying to Ellie out the door to the waiting car.

We ended up lighting the candles over and over and making wishes after we sang Happy Birthday. It's amazing how a small amount of money can give prolonged pleasure (especially at a time when they never stay seated for more than 2 minutes!)  It also  gives an interesting insight into the things they wish for!

 * * * * * * * *

Harriet comes to us on a Tuesday after school. We sit and draw after hearing all about her day.  I am sure that being the third of four in a family can be hard going especially when everyone is shouting for attention all the time!

I taught her to use a ruler; that is my old school ruler in the foreground. She drew a chocolate bar all marked out in squares.  But what really impressed me was, not just her dexterity for her age, but when she drew a rainbow she had the colours in the right order!  [If you struggle to remember Red, Orange, Yellow Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, there is the sentence "Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain."  I wish I had been told that when I was at school!]

We had a go at some butterflies too. Again she made wings with pretty colours. And finally she drew the shape above... "That's the butterfly in its racoon."

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