Sunday 5 May 2013


It was Alastair's turn to show us around his school room and look at his work in Primary One at Mosshead School in Bearsden. The theme was museum visit to see Teddy Bears.

After assembly we were taken on a tour by the 5 year old museum guides.

Here are Grandpa and Alastair looking at his worksheet.

The project work is on the board.  The stories about the museum visit are expressed in one sentence with a coloured drawing to illustrate.  Here Alastair is talking about an elephant.

On display were the childrens' own bears they had brought in for the project. This bear caught my eye from across the room.  It has been nearly 40 years since I had seen him!  This Teddy was given to Mairi by Iain's mother when she was born but had been played with by Alastair.  I looked at the duffle coat and recognized the buttons but do not recall sewing it ... which I clearly did as I can tell by the zig-zag stitching and hand sewing in not-quite-matching thread!

I liked the concept of 4 different levels of "vocies" in the room. I am going to adopt that policy in the house the next time things get a bit boisterous!

* * * * * * *

 Post script:  


One day after school Alastair was in the house and said to me: "I like Lego. Will you get me some for Christmas?"  So I said (knowing he can now print and sound out words) "Why don't you write 'LEGO' on a piece of paper for me so I won't forget?"

So off he went to the kitchen table where the paper and pencil were.  This is the result "Batman" (the "b X a t m a n" means the second letter was an error and is crossed out ... fair enough).

Now I looked at this and thought ... What IS it about the male mind? You ask them to do one thing and they go off and do something completely different.

And here we have the 3rd generation ... Hey ho .....  plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose!

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