Monday 18 February 2013


Spring has arrived and with it little flowers and sprouting seedlings.

Maggie came by last week with this lovely little bunch of snowdrops wrapped in several ivy leaves ... so simple and so effective!

When out this morning I found these irises (Iris  reticulata) had pushed themselves up midst the strewn dried leaves still on the ground.  We had a big dump of snow last week and then the next day the sun shone, the snow melted and out came the first flowers!


This is a screen shot of the colours in the above photo. Did you know to take a screen shot of a certain section on your computer screen, like the one above, you simply press Shift - Control - 4.  That gives you a little circle with a cross in it. (You can let go of the 3 keys.) Drag the little circle with the cross over the area you wish to "snapshot" and then let it go, i.e. stop.  Presto! It is saved as a .png image to the desktop automatically (at least on my computer it is).

Last October I planted several dozen tulip bulbs of different varieties in big plastic pots that my gardening neighbour gave me.  They have all come up mainly because (a) I put them in pots and not the ground to outsmart the squirrels and (b) I put netting over the pots.  Success!  Here is one pot getting the first of the late winter-early spring sunshine. Oh what a joy in the early morning when I walk out the back door on to the patio (south facing - wonderful)!

These plane tree seedlings with their fat heads and winged tails have suddenly all sprouted.  They are everywhere!  I picked up this handful on a corner of the lawn.  Even though the days and nights are clear and cold these seem to thrive!

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