Monday 16 July 2012


We are now back from the Orkney Islands having had 2 weeks on various islands (not in the boat) with John and Mairi and the children.   

I have loads of lovely photographs of the scenery as well as other Orkney subjects: archaeological, wartime, domestic, bird life, farm life and lots of arty stuff.  The light in this northern latitude in midsummer is wonderful when it comes to taking photos or, if you are a painter, sitting at an easel with a paintbrush!

John took some stunning digi photos! I would like to incorporate some of them in my holiday story as they are definite "keepers"!

First things first: the garden upon our return ....

While we were having mainly dry and often sunny days the central belt of Scotland as well as deepest Englandshire have been having days ... weeks of rain! Yes, the roses are bashed in the garden but there are enough, like these, which show they are survivors!

I was delighted to find the eryngium I planted a year ago has flowered mainly, I think, due to the shovel-fulls of horse manure from Willie's farm.

There are lots of lovely cornflowers which I brought on from seed.

Under the washing line is gypsophilia (Baby's Breath) which did not do anything last year. Now I will have some to add to cut flowers for the house.

And speaking of the washing line .... There is always that pile when you get home....

Mairi's lupins are survivors too.  Note the pollen sac on the bee!

Bashed roses with broken stems are fine in a bowl of water. This is my Oxfam glass vase I keep on the window sill with a collection of simple glass coloured ornaments in it.  The kids love it and like to add things to make new "arrangements".

Meanwhile adjacent to our garden is my neighbour's lovely flowers.  I don't know what this is but it is Iain's favourite.

Lastly Jack's grand show of begonias, started early in the year in his greenhouse, keeps the rest of us on the street on our toes!

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