Thursday 12 August 2010


Iain is now home!

The Physiotherapist could see that he was able to move about with a walking stick which meant he could be discharged from hospital. The Occupational Therapist assessed (from our descriptions of height of bed, chair and toilet) that he could go home as there was no requirement for handrails or special equipment.

Thank goodness she didn't suggest a home visit first! (It doesn't bear thinking about!) Iain will be able to move about all on one level when inside the house but the outside is a bit of a building site still.

He is walking with the help of a stick until he builds up his muscles. Considering he has been on Bed Rest for 6 weeks he has done very well. His back muscles ache much like when he carried a heavy pack. He then feels so much better once he lies down. That aching tiredness should go as he builds up his (back muscle) strength.

Still, there is nothing like your own bed and bathroom, your own cup of tea as well as the garden to enjoy!

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