Tuesday 10 February 2009


The snow has finally reached up due to a shift in the weather pattern. The sun is not out due to the cloud cover but it is so nice, none-the-less to be out tramping around in it.

Our street, Colquhoun Street was plowed in the early morning. These trees are Japanese cherry along the length of the street. While the snowdrops are coming up now, the pink blossom won't appear along this street until May.

The post-office in Colquhoun Square was showing signs of the first icicles. That stonework at the top is a date inscription: 1898. Under it is the crown of Queen Victoria and VR below that. The motto on the banner at the base, I think, is: DEI GRA • BRITT • REG (Victoria, by the grace of God Queen of Britain).

Leaving the Post Office and heading to the promenada along the shore I came across an odd sight. These birds - crows - below were gathered on the roof-top leaving the gulls and mallard ducks gathered along the pier and in the water, respectively.

The middle crow is not dead. When I came up this collection of crows, about mid-day, my attention was caught by this middle fellow rolling down the roof slope, over and over, like a child on a slope in the park rolling down to the bottom.

This one appeared to be washing his feathers; his feet were kicking and his wings moved slightly. Then he got up and hopped up to the roof ridge and was ruffling his feathers! That is him on the right. (The middle image is a copy pasted for demonstration purposes!)

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